The Bogwarden's Swamp Stash relics

Fetid FernCommonOcean_bogwarden_colorWhenever you apply bogwarden:Maledict, apply 1Poison.The final ingredient of bog stew.
Marsh ChimesUncommonOcean_bogwarden_colorWhenever you Scry during your turn, deal 3 damage to random enemy for each card discarded.The pitch of this can only be heard by certain species.
GlowpadRareOcean_bogwarden_colorBlasts deal 4 additional damage.The light from this can penetrate even the thickest of fog.
Picked CuffsRareOcean_bogwarden_colorbogwarden:Traps now trigger when discarded or Scryed.There's a shiv fragment lodged inside.
Skeletal ShieldRareOcean_bogwarden_colorEvery time you play 3Skills in a single turn, gain 5bogwarden:Spines.Spooky protection.
BoghopperShopOcean_bogwarden_colorAt the end of your turn, trigger the leftmost bogwarden:Trap in your hand and Exhaust it."Those darned boghoppers!! Stay away from my traps!" - Phrog Skinnin' Phineas

The Bogwarden's Swamp Stash potions

Pinprick PotionUncommonLose 1 HP twice. Next turn, heal for 10% of your Max HP.
Tangling TinctureUncommonApply 6Snared to ALL enemies.

The Bogwarden's Swamp Stash keywords

This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Spaces should not be used be avoided in NAMES, with the exception of multi-word keywords (see next entry).
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in NAMES has no underscores. The rest should use _ in the place of spaces. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.